Welcome to TAT

Welcome to the documentation of the TAT GUI. TAT (for Tomography Analysis Tool) is a graphical interface letting you generate clusters for tomography images using the k-means method and manipulate clusters.

Getting started

If you are a user, you can follow the installation guide and see the user manual.

Latest release

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Quick start

Check if an installer is available for your system on the release page and get the latest version.

If your system is not supported or you want to install the pip version, follow these steps.

TAT needs Python >= 3.8 and 3.8.1 on Windows.

TAT is available in PyPI, thus you can install it with pip :

pip install tat

And then you can run the application as a Python module :

python -m tat

Or directly as a program if Python scripts are in path :


And if you are using Windows, you can start the executable file created in the start menu under the name of tat.

Cite us

T. Bagni, H. Haldi, D. Mauro, C. Senatore. Tomography analysis tool: an application for image analysis based on unsupervised machine learning (2022) IOPSciNotes

Bagni, T., Bovone, G., Rack, A. et al. Machine learning applied to X-ray tomography as a new tool to analyze the voids in RRP Nb3Sn wires. Sci Rep 11, 7767 (2021).